February 26, 2011

Some more of Melody dahlias

Another pot variety that I liked very much was Melody Gipsy. Flower heads of bright pink color with yellowish center, pretty large for low growing dahlia, were placed on very high strong stems. It could make a nice cutting variety if it would be more floriferous. I should let it grow in 3 stalks instead of one next summer.

Еще одни сорт низкорослых георгин порадовал меня в прошлом году - Melody Gipsy. Соцветия светло-розовые с желтой серединкой сравнительно крупные для столь невысокого растения располагались на длинных сильных цветоносах высоко над листвой. Сорт можно было бы назвать срезочным, если б он цвел обильнее. В этом сезоне буду растить его в три стебля вместо одного, может будет погуще.

Melody Gipsy

Of course I grew the famous Melody Harmony. Nowadays varieties with dark leaves are very popular. Melody Harmony is a nice example of that kind of dahlias since its pale lilac flower heads are contrasting well with very dark purple green leaves. It developed thick bush but flowers had very short stems and were slightly hiding among leaves. So there is still need for breeding more perfect dark leave low growing double dahlia...

Вырастила я и знаменитую Melody Harmony. Сейчас очень популярны сорта с темной листвой и Melody Harmony - хороший пример такого сорта. Светло-сиреневые соцветия ярко выделяются на фоне свекольно-зеленой листвы. Куст был мощным, густо-облиственным, но цветоносы короткими, отчего соцветия немного прятались среди листвы. Так что в селекции темно-листных низкорослых махровых сортов еще есть к чему стремиться...

Melody Harmony

Melody Latin was flowering with very bright yellow flowers on long stems. For some reason earwigs liked its flowers also so there were not many uneaten flowers left. I should let this variety to grow in 3 stalks to get thicker bush. The color in the pictures is a bit pinkish due to evening sunlight, otherwise flowers were pure yellow.

Ярко-жёлтыми соцветиями на длинных цветоносах цвел Melody Latin. Уховертки ели его нещадно, так что почти не осталось необъеденных цветков. В следующем сезоне кустик надо будет вести в 3 стебля, чтоб был погуще. На фото цветки выглядят розоватыми из-за вечернего солнца, на самом деле цвет чисто-жёлтый.

Melody Latin


Unknown said...

Nice flowers and nice colors.

Carol Neelands said...


Olga said...

Thank you!

Muhammad khabbab said...

hi, found your blog through blotanical. You have a wonderful blog. I love dahlia but i grow them one from seed with single petals. The double one we grow from tuber and is fully double. You have captures some excellent flowers here. Keep up the good work.

Carolyn ♥ said...

Simply beautiful.

Masha said...

Melody Gypsy is very pretty. I like that particular shade of pink. Your photography is great too.

Olga said...

Thank you, Masha! Melody Gipsy was one of my favourites. When I was taking this picture there was amazingly beautiful light: evening sun came out of the clouds after heavy rain and the flower was lighten like with a spotlight. That's the best light for taking pictures of garden flowers.

Anonymous said...

Olgochka, Your Dahlia flowers are all very pretty. I particularly like the yellow one in this post and the purple on in an earlier post.

Paul 305 said...

Hi! Melody Harmony is perfect beautiful! Great dahlia.

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